Our Security and Screen Doors are available in standard metric and imperial sizes, plus our doors have an adjustable option that can be modified to fit most door openings. Our frames are powder-coated lightweight premium aluminium with a choice of infills, Aluminium Diamond Grille with Fibreglass Fly Mesh and Perforated Aluminium. Doors can be hung left or right by simply flipping the door over. New Zealand Fixed Security Door is left opening only.
Security & Screen Doors.
Adjustable Hinged Security Door

Adjustable Hinged Screen Door

Infill Options
Can't find what you are looking for?
ProtectorAl offers an extensive custom style, size, shape and colour range in Aluminium and Glass Fencing, Gates, Balustrading, Screening, Doors, Hardware and Accessories. Visit your local Bunnings Special Orders Desk to find out more.

More than just fencing…
- Security and Screen doors have the same frame and infill options.
- Security doors have a triple lock allowing the door to conform to AS5039.
- Screen doors have a single lock.
- We offer assembled only in CSO.
- Our custom doors come with black handles and door infills. You can choose from 10 colors for your frame.
- The doors are available in metric and imperial sizes.
- Adjustable doors can be modified to fit most door openings.
- The frames are powder coated aluminium with a choice of grill infills.
- New Zealand Fixed Security door is left opening only.

Need more info? Check out our most frequently asked questions.
What do I do if my doorway isn’t square?
If your doorway isn’t square you can use an adjustable door. Take the shortest measurement vertically and the differing measurements horizontally and taper the door to suit. There may be a small gap on the butt join of the frame however this can be overcome by pulling the door in tight before screwing the corner stake screws in.
What if my lock doesn’t work?
From inside the door open it, check that the lock works with both the key and snib, if it does it is likely you have not checked out the lock holes deep enough. If it doesn’t, refer to the instruction guide provided inside the latch assembly pack.
What if I make my adjustable door too tight?
Simply remove the door, remeasure and reassemble. The door, when placed in jamb, should have a 3mm gap all round.
What colours can I purchase my door in?
The frames are available in Black, White and Primrose.
What if my door handles are at the same height?
In this case you would have to reverse the opening of the security door, Protector doors are designed to be either left or right facing doors.